Distinguished Friends,
I came to the world in Midyat/Gercüş village of Mardin exactly 83 years ago in 1932. My first step into business life was taken in filling station in TÜPRAŞ BATMAN REFINERY as Filling, Delivery and Receipt Supervisor. I have worked as senior executive of Filling, Delivery and Receipt for 20 years thanks to my successes in a short time. I retired in 1983 after completing 26-year of state civil servant properly.
In the same year after my retirement, I entered the sector with my company called Uğur Ticaret AHMET KAÇMAZ . Two years after its establishment, in 1985, with the aim of growth and institutionalization, we established our family business with my children. In addition to the experience I had in my business life, I also instilled my business ethics and state discipline to my children.
With humbleness that I feel as being founder and honary president of SEA ENERGY INC. established in 2015; I present my gratitude to my children and colleagues who are in charge of the Board of Directors and General Coordinator.
I will continue to add value to our company and transfer all the knowledge and experience I have gained during my business life just as I transferred in the past and today. Setting out from such an understanding, we hope continuity of knowledge and experiences that we handed down to our children to continue increasingly. First of all, we wish our company to be auspicious to the country and nation ; we say full speed ahead with the support of you, our colleagues and solution partners.
My Gratitudes and Sincerly Yours
Founder and Honorary President